Air Barrier Return on Investment

As we’ve met with builders, architects, and investors about AeroBarrier, they’ve asked about the air barrier ROI. This article will help explain the different ways that an air barrier affects the cost of a building project, from the initial build cost to the ongoing utility & maintenance costs.

Official Report on Efficiency

In an effort to boost building efficiency and save on utility costs, the State of Utah commissioned a report in 2016 to recommend energy savings opportunities.

In 2016 the report was published as the State Building Energy Efficiency Program, and featured 196 pages of information and recommendations.

Efficient Systems = Double Savings

Included in the report, they found that every dollar spent on energy efficiency yielded a 10X ROI. This figure included not only a savings in energy costs (e.g. utilities) but also included operational and maintenance savings.

In other words, efficient systems in State buildings have proven to provide double savings:

  1. The buildings cost less to heat & cool
  2. Since the mechanical systems don’t carry such a heavy load, they last longer and require less maintenance

Here is an excerpt from the report:

“Generally for every dollar leveraged on energy engineering during design, it can be expected that a minimum of ten dollars will be saved in energy costs savings and/or operational and maintenance cost savings over the life of the building.”

Source: State Building Energy Efficiency Program

Bonus: Hidden Savings

Construction interest is one of the largest hidden costs of constructing a building. Any system or contractor who slows down the process will cause the project investor to pay more in interest.

AeroBarrier is an installation that takes less than three hours for a typical new home. Compared with the labor-intensive methods of air control that we often see (think of the man hours needed to caulk and spray foam an entire house), AeroBarrier offers an automated system that allows us to get in and out. Most installs take less time than sitting through a movie.

On top of the other financial benefits, the end result is that AeroBarrier keeps your project on schedule and doesn’t cost you any unexpected interest expense.